Salvatore Siena is Full Professor of Medical Oncology, Università degli Studi di Milano (La Statale), Milan, Italy, and Director of Niguarda Cancer Center, Department of Hematology and Oncology, and Falck Division of Oncology, Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, Milan, Italy. He is dedicated to clinical care of adult solid
tumors and to research and development of novel therapies.
Clinical research programs focus on epithelial tumors especially colon, rectal, lung, and unknown primary site cancers. Results and discoveries are reported in approximately 300 articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals listed in PubMed. Publications have 49308 citations (24017 from 2014) with h-index 83 (61 from 2014), and i10-index 274 (168 from 2014), as monitored by Google Scholar. Financial support for clinical research derives from grants awarded by European Commission CORDIS 7th EU Framework Program (COLTHERES Program), HORIZON 2020 EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (MoTriColor Program); Associazione Italiana Ricerca Cancro (AIRC 5×1000 Special Program Clinical Molecular Oncology, Targeting Resistances to Molecular Therapies in Metastatic Colorectal Carcinomas, HERACLES Trials (2010 2018); AIRC NOCUT Rectal Cancer Investigator Grant 2017-2022; and AIRC 5 x Mille – Metastatic disease: The key unmet need in oncology (2018-2025). Insights into the evolving heterogeneity of metastatic colorectal cancer: From mechanisms to therapies), ARETHUSA Trial; Fondazione Oncologia Niguarda Onlus (Progetto Terapia Molecolare Tumori, Grant for Studies to Develop Therapies Against Colorectal Cancer in Young Adults), Ministero Salute (Projects NET-02352137 and NET-2016-02363853); and Regione Lombardia (DETECT Trial, TEMECT Trial). Discoveries with impact on clinical practice of colorectal cancer therapy are “K-RAS and B-RAF Mutations and Anti-EGFR Antibody Therapy” (Patent WO/2008/112274) and “KRAS Mutations and Acquired Resistance to AntiEGFR Treatment “ (Patent US 20140134158 and US 20160095920). He is a co-author of studies leading to registration of the following drugs: darbepoetin for solid tumors, 2002; peg-filgrastim for solid tumors, 2003; cetuximab for colorectal cancer, 2004; panitumumab for colorectal cancer, 2007; denosumab for solid tumors, 2010; regorafenib for colorectal cancer, 2015; sorafenib per thyroid cancer, 2014; tipiracil for colorectal cancer, 2017.
The international agency Thomson-Reuters lists Salvatore Siena among The World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds (2014, 2015, 2016) and the Highly Cited Researchers (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018). ESMO Faculty Member for the Gastro-Intestinal Tumors Faculty Group (2017-2018) and President of Fondazione Oncologia Niguarda.
Salvatore Siena